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March 2024

Celebrating Women's Month


"We stand in gratitude towards women as we conclude Women’s History Month and prepare to enter two more months that celebrate and honor women..."

December 2023

Let's make a difference in 2024!


"An IMF report from this year measured fossil fuel subsidies at $7 trillion...that far outweighs how much the world is spending on education, not to mention on arms. If we can somehow reallocate that resource..."

— Lord Fakafanua, Speaker of Parliament, Tonga

September 2023

Nuclear is not a climate solution


Nuclear power is often called a "climate solution," despite the fact that:

It's uneconomical.
It's a security threat.
It's a danger to human health.

Nuclear is not a solution.

June 2023

Anniversary of SONGS closure, Congressional briefing, energy secretary's visit and more.


Ten years ago this month, SONGS shut down for good. We salute our collaborators. Since then, we have pivoted to rally the community and pressure the utility and government officials to deal with the waste.

February 2024

Diverse Voices, Programs, Solutions


"If you view diversity as a mere “nice to have,” you're approaching it incorrectly. A company with a diverse boardroom draws from a multitude of lived experiences and perspectives. A school with a diverse student body engages in more informative and enriching classroom dialogues. When addressing global challenges like the nuclear waste crisis and climate change, it is imperative to include diverse voices in the search for solutions...."

November 2023

Check out what's new at SLF


"For the first time, we're transcending political barriers, and this is becoming a universal movement driven by innovation and cost savings, rather than politics and rhetoric."

— Senator Chris Lee, Senate District 25, Hawaii

August 2023

Join us in defending the ocean.


"Dilution is not the solution."
— Bart Ziegler, PhD
President, Samuel Lawrence Foundation

As World Water Week begins Sunday, we draw attention to infuriating behavior by the nuclear industry, which discharges radioactive water into the sea from San Onofre to Japan.

May 2023

Dance Start is leaping and First Friday is digging as we promote science, art and education.


Samuel Lawrence Foundation is expanding its Dance Start program to include Head Start preschools in South County. All of us are excited to bring the proven benefits of creative movement to new locations.

January 2024

What Awaits Us In 2024?


"The coming year will be one of the most important in recent memory. As we step into 2024, our world continues to face a complex polycrisis of the environment, a pandemic, global conflict, and mass migration..."

October 2023

Bringing education to our communities


"There’s a very clear link between our health and the health of our oceans. Human health and environmental health are tied together.”

- Professor Bob Richmond, University of Hawaii

July 2023

Fixing food systems, ballet for kids, barrio botany and much more...


This month, we've been rethinking our food systems to address climate change and improve children's health. We hosted a trip to a ballet, supported inner-city gardens for kids, and always, always, kept the pressure on utilities and the government to rid our coastline of nuclear contamination.

April 2023

Barrio Botany, nuclear news, wide open door to arts...


Terrorists can get ahold of stored nuclear waste.
"This is a widespread and unsolved problem in nuclear power," Toon said. "It can't just keep going this way. Society must solve the problem of getting rid of this waste."

Press Releases:

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Press Release 1.17.24:

King Tides at San Onofre

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